Mysterious Stranger Made An Unbelievable Offer To A Homeless Girl

Published on December 9, 2020
It was a windy day as this pool was reduced to sitting outside with a sign, begging for help. The sign read, “Homeless and Hungry, Please Help,” but the wind was so strong that day, the sign was blown away. The cardboard making up her sign was the only protection she has from the cold and hard sidewalk floor. The girl looked to be no more than 10 or 11 years old. There were many people that simply walked past the hungry girl. However, there was one person who came along and sat down next to the girl. That’s when things became entirely strange, yet extraordinary. Continue reading to find out what happened.

The Video

In December of 2016, a video was posted online where it showed a girl with long hair that’s looking at those who pass her by. In the video, you can see a mother quickly passing with a stroller. The mother doesn’t even notice the girl sitting on the sidewalk.

The Video

The Video

Small Change

The girl remains seated on the sidewalk with a styrofoam cup between her two feet. There are very few people who take notice of the homeless girl. Many people walk by without even glancing at her. Every once in a while, a person stops to drop some small change into the cup.

Small Change

Small Change


A Helpful Face

A woman slowly strolls up to the homeless girl and softly crouches down next to her. She then asks if she is homeless. The little girl can only respond by simply shrugging her shoulders. The lady then asks if she’s okay, and the girl can only shrug her shoulders once again.

A Helpful Face

A Helpful Face



The woman was very confused and tried to ask the girl why she didn’t have anywhere to go. Again, the little girl could only respond by shrugging her shoulders. The woman eventually gave up and dropped some coins in the girl’s cup.




Alone Again

The girl was alone once again and looked hopefully down the street to see if anyone was coming her way. More people pass the girl without giving any notice to her. She remains unsure of what is about to transpire.

Alone Again

Alone Again


Another Concerned Stranger

Another woman approaches the girl. After reading the little girl’s sign, she decided that she wants to talk to the girl. However, the woman decides against this at the last minute. Hope quickly leaves the girl’s face as the woman walks away.

Another Concerned Stranger

Another Concerned Stranger



The video then cuts to a few minutes later, where the same woman is now moving towards the girl. As she’s walking towards her, she’s is seen to be carrying two packages. The woman then lowers herself next to the girl on the sidewalk and asks how she’s doing.




A Kind Stranger

The woman then brings the two packages of food and drops a $20 bill into her cup. The woman goes on to say that she doesn’t have much to offer but a little food and some money. It’s then when the audience realizes that the woman is also homeless.

A Kind Stranger

A Kind Stranger


An Unlikely Occurrence

The woman continues by asking the girl if she’s homeless. However, all the questions go unanswered. The woman said that she’s here to help if she needs anything. The girl remained silent as another person began approaching the pair.

An Unlikely Occurrence

An Unlikely Occurrence


A Reveal

The man that approached the pair was the person behind Robby TV. He was a filmmaker that posts videos on YouTube. The girl wasn’t actually homeless: She was a child actress. This entire setup had turned out to be a social experiment.

A Reveal

A Reveal


An Explanation

As Robby stepped towards the little girl and the kind woman, it became clear that the lady had given the little she had to help the poor girl. Robby slumped down to the sidewalk floor to shake the woman’s hand and explain what was going on.

An Explanation

An Explanation


A Returned Favor

The man showed where the cameras were situated and said that he would like to help her. She confirmed that she was homeless. It turned out that she had given everything she had to try and feed the hungry girl.

A Returned Favor

A Returned Favor


Kindness for Kindness

Robby hands her $50, which was all he currently had on him at the time. He apologizes for it being so little, but the woman’s face lit up when he handed her the money. The woman was clearly shocked at everything that had transpired. The YouTuber then gave her a hug.

Kindness For Kindness

Kindness For Kindness


A Selfless Woman

Even though the woman was living in impoverished conditions, she still refused to take back the food that she had bought and the money that had collected in the cup. As much as they tried, the woman wouldn’t accept it.

A Selfless Woman

A Selfless Woman


Donating What They Can

The video made by Robby then cuts to the child actress who has been playing a homeless girl. The video shows the child actress donating the money and food to another homeless person. The kind woman is very grateful for what she has just received.

Donating What They Can

Donating What They Can



It seems that the girl got a glimpse of what it’s really like to beg on the street. Not many people stopped or gave her money, and the person who did actually stop and offer real help was homeless herself. The girl then gave the homeless woman a hug.




The Viewers

Those who viewed the YouTube video were shocked at the lack of empathy and aid that was offered to the little girl. These viewers were also incredibly surprised that the person who did help her was homeless herself and gave her money despite the fact that she had very little to offer.

The Viewers

The Viewers


The Comments

The viewers took to the YouTube video’s comment section to share their feelings. One person wrote that they hoped the homeless lady who helped the girl gets some help as well. However, one viewer wasn’t impressed by the whole situation.

The Comments

The Comments


The Goal

The goal of this video wasn’t to impersonate people. It was to display the lack of empathy shown towards those who are homeless. It perfectly revealed how we, as humans, are likely not to take much notice of those who are in need. The video was used as a way to spark change.

The Goal

The Goal


What Is Homelessness?

Homelessness refers to a specific state of living where an individual is living under conditions that lack the basic necessities in order to go about living. A homeless person needs to struggle a lot to maintain a below-average standard of living.

What Is Homelessness?

What Is Homelessness?


Effects of Homelessness

A homeless person is deprived of all requirements needed to maintain a good standard of living. There are many effects received from being homeless. Some of these are bad health conditions, negative changes in personality, and the risk of assault.

Effects Of Homelessness

Effects Of Homelessness


The Truth

Many people don’t realize or like to acknowledge that there are far too many homeless people in the US. The truth is that there are more than half a million people sleeping on the streets in America. This is a tough pill to swallow.

The Truth

The Truth


Homeless Children

Another scary fact is that more than a quarter of homeless people are actually children. These children are those who are less than 18 years old. In addition to this, a large number of these homeless children are unaccompanied.

Homeless Children

Homeless Children


The Veterans

Included in this total number of homeless people in the US are 56,000 veterans who are actively searching for a foster home or affordable shelter. A survey has also shown that more than 50 percent of these homeless veterans are without any sort of proper shelter.

The Veterans

The Veterans


A Cause

It’s common for many people to question why there are so many homeless people. One of the primary causes is domestic violence. More than 80 percent of homeless women have experienced and been victims of domestic violence.

A Cause

A Cause


Rent Affordability

More than half of homeless people can’t afford rent as it is so high. Due to this inability, many people have to seek shelter on the streets and become homeless. This lack of affordability in regards to rent has left not many options available, other than these people becoming homeless.

Rent Affordability

Rent Affordability


The Lack of Shelters

After being to pay rent, people are left with a limited list of alternative living situations. Some of these are foster homes and affordable shelters. However, there is a serious lack of affordable and suitable shelters to accommodate the homeless.

The Lack Of Shelters

The Lack Of Shelters


Property Mortgage

Many people who are desperate for credit loans mortgage their homes in order to gain this loan or credit. However, this property can easily be taken away if the loan isn’t paid back. This is how a significant amount of people find themselves without a home.

Property Mortgage

Property Mortgage


Lack of Government Aid

The American Government doesn’t offer substantial assistance to those belonging to low-income groups that are needing help. These inadequate employment opportunities is one of the primary causes of people living in impoverished situations.

Lack Of Government Aid

Lack Of Government Aid


Untreated Diseases

It isn’t surprising to find out that those who are homeless are incredibly prone to contracting severe diseases. This usually stems from the lack of money they have to maintain a good living standard. Thus, many homeless people self-medicate.

Untreated Diseases

Untreated Diseases


A Crime

In many areas of the world, homelessness has become or is equivalent to committing a crime. Homeless people are in impoverished conditions, and their only way of survival is through begging for food and money, which is being criminalized all across the globe.

A Crime

A Crime


The Excuse

Many people reason never helping the homeless because they simply don’t know how to provide them with something that’s going to help them. That’s possibly why the girl on the sidewalk went unnoticed by many. We wish to help you help the homeless by including ways for providing aid to those who need it.

The Excuse

The Excuse


Understand the Homeless

You should learn who the homeless are to dispel the stereotypes surrounding homelessness. One of the first steps to helping the homeless is seeing them as individuals and finding out what they need. You should notice and talk to them.

Understand The Homeless

Understand The Homeless


Respect the Homeless

You should give the homeless the same respect and courtesy you would provide to your family, friends, and any other person you come into contact with. A good idea you should implement is to treat homeless people the same way you would like to be treated if you were homeless and needed assistance.

Respect The Homeless

Respect The Homeless


Respond with Kindness

We hold the ability to make a significant difference in homeless people’s lives when we acknowledge and respond to them rather than dismiss or outright ignore them. When addressing a homeless person, do so with kindness.

Respond With Kindness

Respond With Kindness


Create Lists of Shelters

Keep a card that has all the local shelters listed on it. You can hand these cards out to those you come into contact with that need a place to stay. You can find local shelters in your phone book, along with the shelter’s address and phone number.

Create Lists Of Shelters

Create Lists Of Shelters


Purchase Street Sheet

Purchase Street Sheet is a biweekly newspaper that is sold in most major American cities. The intent behind this newspaper is to help homeless people by giving them the tools to help themselves. The homeless gain five cents for each paper sold that goes towards rent.

Purchase Street Sheet

Purchase Street Sheet


Give Food

Giving food doesn’t mean you’re making a full meal for those in need. Although that would be great, it isn’t sustainable for most people. Instead, making a few sandwiches and taking these with you can be very useful if you encounter a homeless person while you’re out.

Give Food

Give Food


Give Money

One of the most direct methods of helping the homeless is to offer money. This doesn’t mean you need to directly give money to those on the sidewalks. Instead, donating to nonprofits is an excellent way to help those who are in need.

Give Money

Give Money


Donate Your Clothing

Many people simply throw away their clothing if there’s a slight imperfection to it. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and these ‘imperfect’ clothes can go a long way for those who don’t have many clothing items. Always consider the homeless when you’re getting rid of clothing you don’t need or wear anymore.

Donate Your Clothing

Donate Your Clothing