If You Ever See This Bug, Follow These Steps Immediately

Published on December 12, 2021

You’ve probably seen a few odd bugs here and there throughout your life. Some people freak out because they don’t like insects, and others brush it away and go about their lives.

However, there’s one particular brown bug that experts warn you should keep your eyes peeled for. They’re often found in grass, flowerbeds, and the cracks of houses. Though it appears harmless, this pesky insect is a very destructive gardener, and you want to be prepared.

Stay alert! If you happen to see this bug, there are certain steps to follow. What does it look like, and what does it do? Read on to learn more!

Tiny Brown Bug

Insects aren’t always easy to spot, especially if there are plenty of flowers or a wooded area. They tend to blend well, especially if the bug is brown and small. However, that’s exactly what you should watch for!

Tiny Brown Bug

Tiny Brown Bug

Shield-like Body

Experts want people to watch their surroundings while outside. A tiny brown bug could be in the yard. It has six legs and a body that looks like a medieval shield. When fully grown, it’s about 0.7 inches long and unique.

Shield Like Body

Shield Like Body